TS President
Vice President | Cyber Captain
Joint Secretary | Vice Cyber Captain
Core Member
Head of Department
+91 93501 93687
Head of Department
+91 98688 51136
Teacher Incharge
+91 97119 03344
Teacher Incharge
+91 99114 34555
Outgoing Batch
Outgoing Batch
Outgoing Batch
Outgoing Batch
Outgoing Batch
Outgoing Batch
Outgoing Batch
Outgoing Batch
Student at Georgia Tech
Student at UBC Vancouver
Outgoing Batch
Student at JMC
Student at MIT, Manipal
Student at UBC, Okanagan
Gap Year Student
Student at HKUST
Student at UWaterloo
Student at UMass Amherst
Student at USydney
Student at Georgia Tech